13th student meeting : Ecology and Behaviour

13th student meeting : Ecology and Behaviour

The only international meeting free for students in France !  

 The meeting is now finished, we greatly thanks all of the participants for their attendance, their presentations and their enthusiasm.

Reminder: Animal Biology journal will propose a special issue about the meeting, offerring possibilities of publication for the participants (modalities here)

You can find here below the summary clip of this edition and the three popularization movies with Lee Rozada, Juan Ulloa and Jérémie Souchet, directed by Aurélien Prudor.

Meeting ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR from Aurélien Prudor on Vimeo.



PARTAGE TA SCIENCE - La Paléo-Ecologie avec Lee Rozada from Aurélien Prudor on Vimeo.


Partage Ta Science - La BioAcoustique avec Juan Sebastian Ulloa from earlylife on Vimeo.


Partage Ta Science : L'Ecophysiologie avec Jérémie Souchet from Aurélien Prudor on Vimeo.

Conférence scientifique Ecology & Behaviour from Aurélien Prudor on Vimeo.

The Ecology & Behavior Symposium, held in 2005 by students of the Center for Biological Studies in Chizé, is back for the third time in its hometown from 19 to 23 June 2017.




Young researchers of all nationalities are invited to present and exchange their work on the themes of ecology, evolutionary biology and animal behavior. The meeting is English-speaking and also welcomes recognized specialists in the various themes tackled, all in a very convivial setting.

Like the previous twelve editions, the 'Ecology & Behavior' meeting is organized by and for students. Accommodation and meals are fully covered and no registration fees are charged. All you have to do is organize and finance your visit.


The emphasis will be on popularization of science, that is, the dissemination of scientific knowledge to a non-expert audience.

We encourage you to submit photos and videos of your subjects, which we will be able to enhance in short films accessible to the general public!

A debate evening "Rediscovering scientific knowledge: who and how?" Will be organized on the first evening around a collaborative buffet.

Excursions will also be offered on Wednesday afternoons, followed by a gala evening.





Student of master, doctorate or post-doctoral in these subjects? This is an opportunity for you to participate in an international conference and discover the latest advances in ecology and animal behavior!


Organizing team:


From left to right: Paul Deroulers, Lucas Torres, Eugénie Tessier, Juliette Rabdeau, Loriane Mendez, Anaïs Janc, Julien Collet, Sophie Dupont, Pierre Blévin et Gaétan Richard (Absents: Nathan Pacoureau et Florian Orgeret)



Submission abstracts are closed


Possibilities or expectation for car-sharing will be posted on the facebook of the meeting https://www.facebook.com/EcoandBehav17/. If you don’t have a facebook account and you are interested by a car-sharing please tell us and we will contact you by e-mail.


You can follow the actuality of the meeting in our facebook page and our twitter account.



Our sponsors:


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